Littering & Recycling (11/25/2021) 

A few weeks ago, on a Sunday morning, a husband and wife were riding their bikes through our street. I saw them stop a few times and pick something up and put it in a plastic bag.

I suspected they were looking for aluminum cans, so I went outside and asked them about it. They confirmed that once week they go through the neighborhood looking for cans, not for monetary reasons, but to have them recycled.

I gave them a bag with cans I had saved, I’m pretty big on recycling too. A week later they showed up at around the same time and I handed them another bag.

The week after that I just put a bag on the curb, but it stayed untouched and a week later I didn’t see the couple either.

Last Sunday they rang our doorbell and asked if we had any cans, and we did. In addition to our own I had picked some up from the side of the main road. We had planned to take a place where the county has bins for citizens to drop off their recyclables.

I was glad to see these people again, not just because they were saving us a trip, but because of their efforts to take stuff where it belongs, either in the recycle bin or in the dumpster. Yes, they pick up some garbage as well.

Years ago, when we lived in a sub-division, I always had one or two plastic bags on me when I took our dog for a walk. And hardly ever I came home without having filled up at least one of them with, bags, wrappers, bothers, cans etc.

It is amazing how many people just throw their trash out of a moving vehicle with total disregard for others. I saw a gentleman walking down our street holding a paper cup with a drink. And when he was done with it, he just threw it in the bushes. If I had been closer, I would have stopped him and talked to him about it.

Littering annoys me to no end. Throw your junk in the nearest garbage can or take it home and dispose of it.

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